Geelong’s premier dog waste management company

We help keep you backyard clear of dog poo!

Check your postcode to below to see if we service you area

How it works

  1. Check your postcode
  2. If in our service area, sign up for our monthly subscription
  3. We inform you of a day which we service your area
  4. We sms you 30-120mins prior to arriving
  5. You restrain your dog
  6. We arrive, clean your yard and pop the waste in your bin
  7. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your clean yard!

Check your Postcode

Click the link below to check if we service your area and start your subscription!
/* Css for message text */
#zipredirect input[type=text]{
/* Css for the form text box*/
#zipredirect input[type=text]:focus {
/* Css for the input when form text box gets focus*/
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/* Css for the submit button */

Geelong’s premier dog waste management company

We help keep you backyard clear of dog poo!

Check your postcode to below to see if we service you area

How it works

  1. Check your postcode
  2. If in our service area, sign up for our monthly subscription
  3. We inform you of a day which we service your area
  4. We sms you 30-120mins prior to arriving
  5. You restrain your dog
  6. We arrive, clean your yard and pop the waste in your bin
  7. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your clean yard!

Check your Postcode

Click the link below to check if we service your area and start your subscription!